Dielectric grease can be very useful to protect the electrical parts of a vehicle, but if you want to know more about it, you will love what we have prepared for you.
What Is Dielectric Grease?
Is not an automotive obligation like coolant or oil, but it is a well-known product that is utilized in garages all around the world. It can be applied on:
- Spark plug boots.
- Lightbulbs.
- Battery terminals.
Basically, dielectric grease is a protectant. It’s not required, but you could use it to extend the quality and the life of your vehicle’s components.
Ways To Use Dielectric Grease
This protector is made by incorporating a thickener into silicone oil. It is both fire and waterproof, but before using it, you need to know if it is an insulator. Thermal paste is utilized to drain excess heat from electrical components like transistors and LEDs.
When you use dielectric grease, you must inflate it on the outer surface of the electrical component. And apply a little grease to the end of the rubber boot of the spark plug wire.
Then, spread it to cover the inside lip. If you do this, it could prevent high voltage from flowing to the boot and then leaking from the engine. Plus, it makes it a lot easier to put the boot over the insulator.
In addition, it creates an airtight cover around the spark plug and protects the connection from water and dirt. Applying dielectric grease to the plug connector joints is also recommended.
When To Utilize Dielectric Grease?
This grease acts as a sealant, lubricant, and protectant when used lightly on the following applications:
- Battery terminals.
- Bulb sockets.
- Trailer connectors.
- Several electrical connections.
- Several rubber or plastic lubrications.
Dielectric grease is incredibly beneficial, especially if used the right way. One of the biggest advantages is providing a seal on metal components. When the grease is applied to the metal surfaces of the electrical mechanism, it can protect them from corrosion or dusting.
The grease fights high temperatures, and will likely maintain the seal up to temperatures that surpass 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Another of its strengths is its ability to protect rubber and plastic components, as well as computer chips, from fire and other external factors.
Moreover, the grease is able to reduce the wear of mating and other connecting surfaces. Therefore, these surfaces can develop a layered coating that is able to minimize resistance and prevents oxidation from appearing.
On the other hand, it isolates the electrical system and prevents the accumulation of the oxide resistance layer. Dielectric grease is very important for multi-pin connections and eliminates shorts between pins.
Additionally, people used it to lubricate engine components like rotors, speedometer cables, and distributor caps.
Differences Between Regular Grease And Dielectric
Many car drivers tend to confuse regular grease with dielectric, so it’s important to know the differences between the two. First, you need to know that dielectric grease is different when it comes to physical properties to where it is utilized. Most common greases become weak and meltdown when facing high temperatures and this happens because they are made with low melting points.
Regular grease also varies from dielectric one in price. The dielectric one has a higher price in relation to other types of greases. However, plenty of regular greases are worth the cost.
Dielectric greases cannot dissolve in liquids like water, mineral oils, and ethanol, which you can do with some other types of greases. Therefore, it is perfect for marine and outdoor applications.
How To Apply Dielectric Grease?
If you want to use it, you need to do it correctly:
- With your vehicle parked and cooled down, pop the hood.
- Remove the spark plug boot.
- Clean the plugs.
- Pour the dielectric grease onto a small piece of cardboard.
- Use a cotton swab and then dab a small amount on the inside wall of the plug sleeve.
- Put the plug back into place.
This is all you need to do to apply the dielectric grease correctly. Do it often to prevent your car from failing, and you won’t have to waste extra money.